Shorter days and Fall weather are upon us making it an important time to be good to yourself. Fall is a great time to tonify and strengthen the immune system in preparation for the winter cold and flu season, and Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are the perfect tool to keep you well. Consider coming in for a tune up if you haven't already or just stocking up on some of my favorite wellness formulas. What are those formulas you might ask?...
YIN QIAO SAN is a must have for your medicine cabinet (its how I've managed to only take 4 sick days in 2-1/2 years). A powerful combination of herbs to expel wind-heat, which translates as an anti-viral to combat the common cold - especially colds that start with or include a scratchy throat. If you start taking Yin Qiao at the first sign of catching something, there is a good chance you won't get sick at all. You can also take Yin Qiao preventatively if you are around sick people or worried about getting sick - truly a teacher's best friend! So if you haven't discovered the joys of this simple $8 remedy, now is a great time to start! Furthermore, for some people this formula has also been known to stop snoring...
CANG ER ZI WAN which I fondly refer to as "herbal sudafed." This simple 4 herb combination including mint and magnolia flower is designed specifically to treat wind stagnation in the sinuses - also known as nasal congestion. If you're in need of a nasal decongestant but just can't handle the side effects and drowsiness that accompanies over the counter medications, consider keeping this on the shelf for a quick fix when you need it. For $10 it can't hurt, in fact I can promise it will help!
CHINESE HERBAL SOUP MIX: Also called Chinese Chicken Soup Mix, this bag of bulk herbs contains 13 edible tonic herbs such as Gou Qi Zi (Goji Berries), Dried Longan Fruit, Dang Gui (DongKui), Hai Zao (a kind of seaweed) and more. These herbs combine to make a tasty immune boosting soup which is ideal for preparing for winter, for recovering from a cold or flu if you've gotten sick or for recovering from any illness that has zapped your energy. Traditionally the soup is made with chicken due to the energetic qualities chicken possesses, but it can be made vegetarian no problem with the same wonderful health benefits. One package of soup mix with instructions retails for $10 and will make a full stock pot of soup. Safe for children.
Since a great portion of your immune modulating cells reside in your gut, taking probiotics to support your digestion combined with a good diet are also must-haves when preparing for winter. My herbal dispensary is full of Chinese herbal formulas for many occasions, as well as select western nutritional supplements such as fish oil, probiotics, multi vitamins and B vitamins. If there is ever a supplement you are having a hard time finding or that you want advice about, please don't hesitate to ask. If I don't have it or can't find it, I have a wonderful network of Naturopaths and Nutritionists who I can direct you to for help.
Lastly, please let me express that if you feel a cold coming on - book an appointment! Acupuncture, especially when combined with Chinese herbs and with accessory therapies such as cupping and gua sha, can help you get better significantly faster and the sooner you get in for treatment the better results you will have. I'm not afraid of getting sick thanks to my arsenal of herbs listed above, so don't you worry about bringing things into my office - I want to help!