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Sunday, November 16, 2008
5.5 Weeks to Christmas! Fall Updates
As we enjoy the fall season and prepare for winter and 2009, I have several tidbits of information to share that I hope you will find useful.
First is a note about the holidays and the end of the year - I will be out of the office for Thanksgiving and several days in December and I want to make sure that everyone who wants an appointment can get one! Appointments for the remainder of the year are going fast, so I recommend booking sooner rather than later. Here are the days I will be away:
Thanksgiving - gone Wednesday 11/26 through Friday 11/28 to return Saturday 11/29.
December - gone 11/12 through 11/15 to return 11/16 and from 12/24 through 1/2/09 to return Saturday 1/3/09.
In addition to my usual Tues-Saturday routine, I have added Monday 12/8 and Monday 12/22 to my schedule to account for some of my away time so if you've been dying for a Monday appointment, now is your chance!
My online scheduler is up and running strong, and will be up and running while I am away as well, so you can continue to book appointments online anytime.
Yes, the end of the calendar year marks the resetting of all our insurance benefits, so if you have insurance that covers acupuncture and you haven't used it all up yet, come in quick! As of January 1st your benefits will reset meaning that if you have a deductible to meet, you will have to pay out of pocket until that is met before your insurance will cover again. If your benefits have run out you can rejoice for 2009 when your insurance will cover again, and you can book out into January anytime.
Yes, the holidays are coming and what could be better than the gift of wellness? Gift certificates are always available in my office for any service and in any amount to make holiday shopping a little easier. I now have instant gift certificates available as well! Just visit my website at and click to the "services & gift certificates" page for more information or click HERE.
My Chinese Winter Wellness Packages are also a nice little treats to help you or a loved one stay healthy this winter. One package contains 10 packets of Ban Lan Gen Chong Ji, one bottle of Yin Qiao San and one bag of Chinese Herbal Soup mix - all the essentials for cold prevention, treatment and recovery! A Winter Wellness Package retails for $20 - a slight savings over purchasing these items individually - and I believe these herbs to be the best cold busters around. A gift certificate would combo GREAT with these treats for a fabulous gift idea!
We also have a lovely assortment of handmade jewelry in the office that I encourage you to peruse next time you are in. Jen Keller, Licensed Esthetician, and myself both have a hobby of jewelry making and we've put a limited number of pieces on sale for the holidays. Jen makes beautiful agate pendants while I do sterling silver and semi-precious stone beadwork. If you need a lovely and affordably priced gift, take a minute to peruse the next time you are in and see if anything catches your eye.
As the leaves outside continue to fall I'm reflecting on the change in seasons and the wonderful tradition held by Chinese medicine of guiding people to live in harmony with nature. Long ago ancient Chinese doctors recognized the changes in the seasons and the effects they had on the body, recording the best ways to keep living in harmony with these changes to promote health and longevity. This quote from the Huangdi Neijing Suwen - or the Yellow Emporer's Internal Classic - courtesy of says it all:
“In the three months of autumn all things in nature reach their full maturity. The grains ripen and harvesting occurs. The heavenly energy cools, as does the weather. The wind begins to stir. This is the changing or pivoting point when the yang, or active, phase turns into its opposite, the yin, or passive, phase. One should retire with the sunset and arise with the dawn. Just as the weather in autumn turns harsh, so does the emotional climate. It is therefore important to remain calm and peaceful, refraining from depression so that one can make the transition to winter smoothly. This is the time to gather one’s spirit and energy, be more focused, and not allow desires to run wild. One must keep the lung energy free full, clean, and quiet. This means practicing breathing exercises to enhance lung Qi. Also, one should refrain from smoking and grief, the emotion of lung. This will prevent the kidney or digestive problems in the winter. If this natural order is violated, damage will occur to the lungs, resulting in diarrhea with undigested food in the winter. This compromises the body’s ability to store in winter.” - Huangdi Neijing Suwen
* Element: Metal
* Color: White
* Nature: Yin
* Organs: Lung and Large Intestine
Fall is associated with the Metal element and the Lungs and Large Intestine meridians as mentioned above. This makes it an optimal time for creating organization in your life, for defining boundaries, for establishing order and creating stability. Often this is a reflective time, a time to organize and prepare for the winter months. If you are finding order and stability hard to accomplish, acupuncture can help you center, balance and stay grounded. In addition, a few sessions with a good counselor might help you get on track and learn more tools to help you succeed. My good friend Erin Moline is an excellent family and individual counselor that I highly recommend if you need help in this area (see
The Lung also governs the Wei Qi - or protective energy - that helps the body resist colds and flus coming with the cooler weather. It is important to start incorporating more warm and nourishing foods into the body at this time to strengthen the Wei Qi - so consider starting the day with a hot breakfast if possible, or at least some hot tea in addition to a breakfast cereal or smoothie. My Chinese Herbal Soup Mix contains all the herbs you need to strengthen your Wei Qi specifically, so you might also consider picking up a packet of soup mix or a Winter Wellness Package next time you are in. A cup of herbal soup a day over the winter, or even once a week, can go a long way towards helping you stay well. Acupuncture, of course, can strengthen the Wei Qi also, as can simpler herbal remedies - such as Ban Lan Gen Chong Ji, an instant herbal infusion of Isatis root, which is a powerful immune booster and antiviral. Lastly, if you're having a hard time keeping up with a healthy diet during the winter months, consider signing up for an organic produce delivery service like Organics to You, or contact my friend Chef Abby Fammartino (see for fabulously healthy and delicious meals delivered to your door.
Well, that is all for me in this Fall update and I hope you continue to enjoy this beautiful change in seasons. As you prepare for the holidays be sure to breathe deep, eat well and practice gratitude as each of these things will go a long way to keeping you well. Yours until next time - Rebecca
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
November Newsletter - Acupuncture and Low Back Pain
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Stave off Colds and Flus with Chinese Herbs
YIN QIAO SAN is a must have for your medicine cabinet (its how I've managed to only take 4 sick days in 2-1/2 years). A powerful combination of herbs to expel wind-heat, which translates as an anti-viral to combat the common cold - especially colds that start with or include a scratchy throat. If you start taking Yin Qiao at the first sign of catching something, there is a good chance you won't get sick at all. You can also take Yin Qiao preventatively if you are around sick people or worried about getting sick - truly a teacher's best friend! So if you haven't discovered the joys of this simple $8 remedy, now is a great time to start! Furthermore, for some people this formula has also been known to stop snoring...
CANG ER ZI WAN which I fondly refer to as "herbal sudafed." This simple 4 herb combination including mint and magnolia flower is designed specifically to treat wind stagnation in the sinuses - also known as nasal congestion. If you're in need of a nasal decongestant but just can't handle the side effects and drowsiness that accompanies over the counter medications, consider keeping this on the shelf for a quick fix when you need it. For $10 it can't hurt, in fact I can promise it will help!
CHINESE HERBAL SOUP MIX: Also called Chinese Chicken Soup Mix, this bag of bulk herbs contains 13 edible tonic herbs such as Gou Qi Zi (Goji Berries), Dried Longan Fruit, Dang Gui (DongKui), Hai Zao (a kind of seaweed) and more. These herbs combine to make a tasty immune boosting soup which is ideal for preparing for winter, for recovering from a cold or flu if you've gotten sick or for recovering from any illness that has zapped your energy. Traditionally the soup is made with chicken due to the energetic qualities chicken possesses, but it can be made vegetarian no problem with the same wonderful health benefits. One package of soup mix with instructions retails for $10 and will make a full stock pot of soup. Safe for children.
Since a great portion of your immune modulating cells reside in your gut, taking probiotics to support your digestion combined with a good diet are also must-haves when preparing for winter. My herbal dispensary is full of Chinese herbal formulas for many occasions, as well as select western nutritional supplements such as fish oil, probiotics, multi vitamins and B vitamins. If there is ever a supplement you are having a hard time finding or that you want advice about, please don't hesitate to ask. If I don't have it or can't find it, I have a wonderful network of Naturopaths and Nutritionists who I can direct you to for help.
Lastly, please let me express that if you feel a cold coming on - book an appointment! Acupuncture, especially when combined with Chinese herbs and with accessory therapies such as cupping and gua sha, can help you get better significantly faster and the sooner you get in for treatment the better results you will have. I'm not afraid of getting sick thanks to my arsenal of herbs listed above, so don't you worry about bringing things into my office - I want to help!
Winter in Portland
• Keep your neck and shoulders covered. The neck and upper back area contain a network of acupuncture points that are highly susceptible to Wind. Wind is known as the “big brother evil” in Chinese Medicine. This means that wind has the ability to enter the body swiftly and carry other pathogenic invaders with it to make you sick. By keeping the upper back and neck area covered when outside, you can protect yourself from “big brother” and be one step closer to staying well!
• Drink warm liquids and eat warm food, avoid cold to protect the Lungs and Spleen! Energetically speaking, the Lungs and the Spleen work together to create your first line of defense. The Lungs are responsible governing the Qi flow of your entire body and also create and distribute Wei Qi or Defensive Energy along the skin. The strength of your Wei Qi determines your susceptibility to the above mentioned EPI’s. The Spleen governs the transformation of food, drink, and air into Qi and Blood to fuel and support your body functions. The Spleen is the energetic mother of the Lung, supplying it with the energy it uses to create Wei Qi and protect you from EPI’s. The Spleen is especially susceptible to cold, so eating and drinking cold consumables during winter adds insult to injury. To optimize your immunity, try to eat and drink warm foods and beverages as much as possible and when you just have to have a salad, try to follow it up with some hot tea or water!
• Avoid sugar. In Chinese Medicine, food is also medicine and like Chinese herbs they have different energetic temperatures and properties. Sugar, white sugar especially, is cold in nature and, like drinking cold beverages above, can make your more susceptible to the cold winter weather. From a western perspective, sugar has also been proven to increase inflammation and suppress your immune system again, decreasing your body’s natural resistance to illness.
• Chicken Soup for More than the Soul. In Chinese food therapy, chicken is warm in nature and gently tonifies, or strengthens, Qi and Blood to strengthen your Wei Qi and help keep you healthy.
These tips may seem like common sense, but they have a long history of theory and practice behind them. If you follow these simple recommendations, you can stave off a number of potential invaders. If you do get sick with a cold or flu, Chinese Medicine can be combined with Western therapies to help you get better faster.