In This Issue:
**H1N1 - Tips to avoid it.
**Listen to relaxation info online through iTunes U
**Holidays are coming! Be sure to take care.
H1N1 Flu - Tips to Avoid It
Well guess what folks - the H1N1 flu is here and lots of people are getting it. The bad news - lots of people are sick because we haven't seen this strain for a while. The good news - it isn't any worse than your average flu, some reports even say that H1N1 is actually a milder strain of flu that what we normally see, and I've got some great prevention tips for you. These prevention tips were actually compiled by a good friend and colleague of mine, Dr. Jennifer Curtiss, ND with Nature's Path Family Wellness. Incorporating just a few of the tips below can go a long way to helping you avoid H1N1 this flu season:
1. Practice frequent hand washing.
2. “Hands-off-the-face” approach, the nose, mouth, and eyes are portals for delivery of bad bugs into the body.
3. Gargle twice daily with warm salt water. H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/nasal cavity to multiply and cause symptoms. Gargling will help to prevent the virus from establishing itself in the respiratory tract.
4. Drink warm tea through out the day to wash the virus from the throat into the stomach where it cannot survive.
5. Clean your nostrils at least once daily with warm salt water, or blow the nose hard once a day and swab both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water.
6. Manage stress; high stress suppresses the immune system.
7. Get adequate rest, our immune system is most active when we are sleeping.
8. Exercise, to increase the circulation of immune cells through out the body.
9. Avoid sugar, it suppresses the immune system and feeds the bad bugs, including viruses.
10. Avoid trans-fatty acids (fried foods), which damage cells and compromise the immune system.
11. Take adequate Vitamin D. Most of us are deficient especially during the winter months. If you are unsure if you are deficient you may have your level of 25 OH Vitamin D checked by your doctor. Optimal levels are 50-99ng/ml. Children should receive 400 IU’s, adults 1000-2000 IU’s and pregnant or nursing mothers 2000-4000 IU’s of Vitamin D3 daily. Vitamin D regulates gene expression for immune cell activity. Low levels during the winter have been correlated to increased outbreaks of the flu during the winter months.
12. Supplement with Elderberry, safe for all ages, and pregnant and nursing mothers. Flavanoids from elderberry bind H1N1 virions to block the ability of the virus to infect host cells. My son has taken this since the age of 1 year in the form of a liquid glycerite. 1 tsp daily kept him healthy for the entire winter.
11. Eat garlic, a natural antimicrobial.
12. Take a well balanced multivitamin and mineral.
13. Take a probiotic to enhance immune cell activity, see your ND for specific recommendations.
13. When traveling or when in large crowds of people, chew xylitol gum, an antimicrobial, to act as another barrier against the virus.
If you have questions about or would like to purchase any of the supplements listed above - Vitamin D, probiotics - please don't hesitate to call or email me and I can help you out. Also, if you want your Vitamin D levels tested consider making an appointment with Dr. Curtiss because she can run those tests for you. In Oregon we are very lucky to be able to choose a Naturopathic Doctor as a Primary Care Physician, something you cannot do in every state. If you are looking for a new PCP, especially someone with a family practice or a fertility specialty, I highly recommend Dr. Curtiss.
Listen to relaxation info online through iTunes U
As you may have noticed, number 6 on the flu prevention list above is MANAGING STRESS which is a challenge for many people. External life factors can threaten to "mess with your calm" in a moments notice and when stress can decrease immunity during flu season, having ways to reduce stress in your daily life and having methods for recovering from stress are important to incorporate into your routine as much as possible. Receiving regular acupuncture and massage are my favorite ways to reduce stress but even I can't do that every day. While meditation is great for daily stress maintenance and reduction, many of us also suffer from "monkey mind" and have a hard time finding and making time for solitary stillness. A great option for daily relaxation between treatment, therefore, is using audiotapes, Cd's and podcasts to keep you on track and there are some great FREE ones on iTunes U.
I know this won't be for everyone, but even in absence of an iPod or MP3 player, you can download iTunes to your computer and get these for programs free - whether you have a Mac or PC. Once you have the iTunes program, all you need to do is go to the iTunes U section in the iTunes store (should be iTunes store button on Left hand side of the program) and search for "relaxation" or "meditation" and some great programs come up. You can also just browse through the Health & Medicine section of iTunes U if you prefer. I have been enjoying the Mindful Awareness Research Center programs from UCLA, but there are a myriad of them to choose from. If you're looking for an easy way to add a relaxation practice to your day, consider checking out some of the free options from iTunes U and try to spend 3-10 minutes a day listening and breathing. Even just a few minutes like this can go a long way to reducing stress in your day.
Holidays are Coming! Be sure to take care. available!
2009 seems like its been a whirlwind to me and I can't believe 2010 is right around the corner! This means the holidays are hot on our heels and staying well through the holiday season is important if you want to make the most of time with your friends and family. If you haven't been in for a while, now is a great time to call, email, or go online to book. Gift certificates from All Ways Well also make great gifts and make shopping very easy! Gift certificates can be purchased in person or online via my website where they can be emailed direct to a recipient or downloaded and printed to include in a card of your own.
Thanks for tuning in!
Thanks again for your tuning in. Remember you can always book on-line via my website, email me direct or call at (503)445-8888 ext. 1 for appointments, consultations or if you just want to contact me with a question. I hope the tips above prove helpful for staying well through the flu season!
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