**Acupuncture to Strengthen Your Immune System
**Yin Qiao - Rebecca's Secret Stay Well Weapon
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Acupuncture to Strengthen Your Immune System
Have you noticed people around you getting sick lately? There are a few lingering winter colds around and whether you've been sick or not, bolstering you immunity over the next few weeks will tip the scales in favor of your health. But the question is, what is one to do?
In Chinese Medicine, colds and flu's are related to a combination of weak Wei Qi - or protective Qi - and external factors of Wind, Cold, Damp, Heat and/or Dryness depending on your symptom presentation. Wind is almost always part of the equation and Wind Heat is the most common combination - your run of the mill yellow phlegm, sore throat type head cold. Acupuncture works to prevent and treat colds by diagnosing your individual combination of these factors and then strengthening your body in your unique problem areas. This makes Acupuncture highly effective in strengthening the immune system to treat and prevent colds and flus, addressing your body's specific needs.
Furthermore, Chinese herbs are designed to treat your individual energetic diagnosis as well. They too can be taken preventatively or for active treatment. Combining Acupuncture with Chinese Herbs is arguably one of the most effective one-two-punch combinations you can deliver to the unsuspecting virus on your doorstep. Add some simple teas and dietary advice and you can consider your immunity bolstered. Here, therefore, are some general recommendations for increasing immunity and getting well this time of year:
- Acupuncture! If you haven't been in for a while, its a great time to come in for your immune health and wellbeing.
- Chinese Herbs - can be prescribed for your specific symptoms, but common formulas like Yin Qiao
(see below) are good general preventatives you can take anytime
- Green Tea - both soothing and immunity boosting. You can also customize your green tea with these simple additions:
- Fresh Ginger - add 2-3 slices of fresh ginger to your tea for digestive upset associated with colds and flu's AND for a cold that starts... cold. If you have more chills than fever, ginger is the addition for you.
- Chrysanthemum - Chrysanthemum can have a slightly bitter taste, but it is a common ingredient in Chinese herbal formulas that treat colds with eye and head symptoms. Great for allergies too!
- Mint - mint can vent exterior wind heat, treat the throat, "brighten" the eyes and clear the head. If you have a sore throat and congestion, try some mint.
- Hydrotherapy - in my mind this refers to both drinking plenty of water when you are sick, and also the classic Naturopathic treatment of alternating hot and cold. Shown to increase your white blood cell count, this is a great way to increase immunity and be well. There are many methods, but the simplest is just to turn on some cold in the shower. Alternate between hot and cold 2-3 times ending on cold. You'll be surprised how much better you feel!
- Vitamin C - Vitamin C is probably the most commonly recognized antioxidant out there, and it is widely known for good reason. Great not only for your immune system but also for your skin and your heart, the first sign of a sniffle should always be a cue to grab some C. I usually recommend 2,000 to 5,000 mg per day when not feeling well.
I must admit that I got sick this past week as my son brought his first cold home from daycare. I had not been sick for some time and I had to chastise myself for not utilizing my favorite stay well remedy out of nothing more than complacency on my part. No more! Yin Qiao San has long been one of my secret weapons against illness and it has served me very well. Many of you may already be on the Yin Qiao train, but for those of you who are not, let me tell you a little more about it.
Yin Qiao, also called Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder or Decoction (depending) originated in the "warm school" of Chinese medicine, a school of thought still present today and most prevalent in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. At the most basic, the warm school dictates that most illnesses originate with a heat-type energetic presentation and evolve on from there. Yin Qiao is a formula for the earliest stage of colds and flu's, considered "Wei" or "Protective Level" illness. This means that Yin Qiao is meant to be taken when a cold or flu starts with heat symptoms (such as sore throat) when that cold is just starting to knock at your door. The Wei level is your first line of defense - Yin Qiao, therefore, is like calling in some extra guards to marshall the perimeter in hopes that the bandits won't make it into the main compound.
Honeysuckle and Forsythia are, indeed, two of the main ingredients. There are ten ingredients total in the classic preparation including mint, soybeans, bamboo leaves and more. Simple and humble ingredients that pack a powerful punch, this combination focuses on venting heat and wind from the exterior to help your body fight and stay healthy.
You can pick up a box (or bottle depending) of Yin Qiao in my office or order it online through my Virtual Dispensary orAmazon Store to be delivered directly to your door. It is something I highly recommend having on hand at all times and it is both an easy to find and inexpensive remedy.
Rebecca's Back,
Book Now!
That's right! Rebecca is back in the office after her maternity leave hiatus, so don't delay, book online today!
Home Remedy for Colds
A simple home remedy for treating the early onset of a cold or flu is a tea made of fresh ginger and green onion. Combine 3 slices of fresh ginger (with the peel is okay) and the white part of a green onion. Boil for 15-20 minutes, strain and enjoy! This savory and simple tea can do a lot to help you be well.
Looking Forward to Seeing You Soon!
I am so excited to have returned to my practice and to be able to share what I am learning as I new mom. I feel I am bringing a whole new level of compassion, care and understanding to my work and I feel blessed to be able to bring this to you.
Referral of the Month: Auto Accident Recovery
Did you know I have a referral program? I do! For every 5 new patients that come and name YOU as the referring party, you get a FREE 60 MINUTE TREATMENT! This month, a great referral for me would be someone who has recently had auto accident, an insurance agent who sells auto insurance OR another practitioners who treats auto accident patients.
Did you know that PIP or Personal Injury Protection insurance (the part of your auto insurance that pays for health care related to an accident) covers acupuncture treatment 100%? So if someone you know has had an auto accident and is looking for help with pain relief and recovery, please think of sending them my way. As usual, the referral of a friend or family member is the highest compliment that I can receive.
Thanks for Tuning In!
As usual thanks again for tuning in! If you are interested in more information about cold care and immune health through acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, please don't hesitate to call or book on-line. Free 15 minute consultations in person or over the phone are always available which you can book via phone at (503)445-8888 or on-line as well if you have more specific questions.
Looking forward to seeing you!
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