Yipiee! I'm very proud to announce that a new baby girl has joined the Hurwood-Kitzerow family. Born belatedly on September 7th at 2:54am she weighed 7lb 10oz and measured 19 and a half inches in length. Her name is Boudica Emma Kitzerow, but we call her Boudi (like Bodhi) for short. She was born by successful VBAC (Thanks OHSU midwife team!) and we couldn't be more pleased. She took a little longer than expected to make her appearence, but the successful VBAC means I can return to work 6 weeks post partum. Unfortunately, 6 weeks is now one week delayed so I will not be able to return for my first Thursday until 10/25 due to daycare. So those of you booked on the 18th will be getting calls and emails to reschedule. I will be able to work Saturday 10/13, however (thanks hubby!).
Remember that you can still book with my colleague Noreen while I'm gone. Just use the usual booking link on my website (or the one below) and keep yourself tuned up while I'm away! And I promise I'll post a pic with my October newsletter, but negotiabing being a mommy of a 10 day old + a 22 month old has been keeping me very busy!
See you soon!
I look forward to seeing you again soon. My return schedule is already up, open and bookable online. You can still contact me via email or leave me a message at the office, I will be checking while I'm away, but not consistently so please be patient with my reply. If you have urgent questions or concerns, please talk to Noreen.
With that I wish you a wonderful remaineder to the summer and again, I look forward to seeing you soon! Best ~Rebecca
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