Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Your Genes Are Not Your Fate"

A Tip of the Hat to Dr. Dean Ornish

This short 3 minute video is a brief talk by Dr. Dean Ornish, a man who proved scientifically that heart disease is REVERSIBLE through diet, exercise and lifestyle change. He is also the author of "The Spectrum: A Scientifically Proven Program to Feel Better, Live Longer, Lose Weight and Gain Health" and "Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease" among other things. I hope you enjoy this short video about his perspective, key to which is stress reduction and avoiding/reducing chronic stress in particular. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are a great way to combat stress. By balancing the bodies energetic system, especially the Liver and Heart meridians which govern the mind and emotions, Acupuncture, reflexology and Chinese Herbs can decrease anxiety, increase calm and increase your capacity to "stay cool" during a crisis.

Website Redesigned with more Educational Information + Amazon Store of Patient Resources!
That's right! I felt it was time for my website to have a new pair of shoes and so voila! I gave it one. In addition to a new look I've added a Learning Center which will be populated with articles about health, Chinese diet and lifestyle advice, information about Chinese medicine treatment for specific disorders and more. For now it has some good links to some of my favorite resources for learning more about getting well and staying that way as well as a link to my new Amazon Store! I've been feeling recently like I recommend so many books and resources to patients that I'm constantly sending out emails with links to more information and I wanted to consolidate that information to one location that would be easy for patients and people wanting to learn more about Chinese medicine and health to go. I'll be increasing and updating the inventory there frequently, so check back often, AND I will be adding a music section with the tunes I play in my office as well - I get requests for those CD's a lot! Check in out using THIS link.

Green Tea - A cup a day to keep the doctor away

Green tea has been used as medicine in China for thousands of years and recently, the west has been catching on. Traditionally used in combination with Chinese Herbs for headache, mental fog, colds and flu's, it provides the body with powerful antioxidants that have been proven effective in increasing the strength of the immune system, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots (thus decreasing stroke and heart attack risk) and decreasing LDL (bad cholesterol) levels just to name of few of its most exciting health benefits. If you want to add one simple thing to your routine to increase your health and longevity, adding green tea into your diet is a great way to go but people often wonder how much is too much? And what if you want decaf? Is it still effective? To answer the first question - officially, you can't have too much as long as the caffeine isn't effecting you in a negative way but personally, I recommend no more than 3 cups of caffeinated green tea per day. While green tea has much less caffeine than coffee, it is still caffeinated and caffeine can contribute to stress, anxiety, tension as well as miscarriage so I always advise decreasing caffeine in the diet as much as possible. Luckily, decaffeinated green tea IS as effective as caffeinated green tea but then the question becomes - where do we get good decaf? Bag teas typically contain the lowest grade tea leftovers and lack the delicate tantalizing flavors of whole leaf green tea, but I for one have not been able to find whole leaf decaf. Luckily there is a simple - and ancient - solution. Throw away the first steep and drink everything after. Most of the caffeine in green tea is lost during the first steep so if you throw this away you are left with delicious decaf which you can consume to your hearts delight with all the great health benefits and flavor you desire, and you're only limited by how many steeps you can get out of a single pot. Traditionally in Chinese tea ceremonies the tea from first steep is used to warm the cups but is discarded and not consumed. My favorite tea shop in town is the Tao of Tea which has stores in SE Belmont area, in the Pearl district and inside the Chinese Garden downtown. They are very friendly about helping you learn more if you have questions.

Hope to see you soon!
Well, I hope this message finds you well and that you enjoy the Ornish video with a nice cup of green tea in hand. Please do check out the revisions to my website if you get a chance and stay tuned for more educational content - its coming soon! Yours - Rebecca

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