Monday, March 30, 2009

Free De-Stress Kit + the Magic of Mint

De-Stress Kit for Changing Times by Doc Childre of the Heartmath Institute
In light of the current economic situation and high unemployment of late, it is no surprise that stress is on the rise. Recently, Doc. Childre of the Hearthmath Institute - an internationally recognized institute dedicated to facilitating heart based living - published this free ebook detailing simple methods for decreasing stress towards maintaining and increasing heart health. It is a short 15 page pamphlet with practical tips and advice for getting stress under control to help you live your life from a place of balance rather than fear and I highly recommend you download and read it or pass it on to a friend. Here is a sample exercise I found particularly useful:

“Sit quietly and from your heart remember that enough stress is already going on, without having to wear a backpack of fear on top of that. Breathe quietly through the area around your heart and imagine that you are breathing in the attitude of courage and strength to do what you have to do, without being preoccupied with fear. Doing this with a genuine attitude helps take the significance out of fear. Practice this for a few minutes a day and anytime you feel a strong wave of fear. It can begin to make a difference.”

You can download the complete ebook HERE or visit the Learning Center on my website for more information. The Heartmath Institute also has a variety of tools available for decreasing stress, anxiety, blood pressure and increasing heart health. You can find their books and biofeedback tools in my Amazon Store.

Bo He. Good for more than just Mojito’s
Bo He [pronounced Bu-o-uh Huh] is very common in the Pacific Northwest, many of us have probably pulled it as a weed or used it in Mojito’s. Can you guess what it is? Peppermint! As a lightweight, acrid and aromatic herb, it helps move and disperse “pathogenic factors” which contribute to colds, flus and allergy symptoms. Bo He can also move Liver Qi for reducing stress and pain. Here is a summary of Bo He’s actions and indications:
Bo He; Herba Menthae:
Channels Entered: Lung, Liver
Temperature/Flavor: Cool, Acrid
**Disperse Wind-Heat treating early stage colds and flus with fever, slight aversion to cold and headache
**Clear the head and eyes and benefit the throat for headache, red eyes, swollen throat
**Vent rashes for early stage measles or itchy skin conditions
**Course Stagnant Liver Qi for treating abdominal distention and pain as well as feelings of stress or emotional constraint.

Energetically it enters the Lung and Liver channels and is cool in nature, and since it is lightweight, it rises to the orifices clearing stagnation from the head and eyes in particular. This means peppermint as part of an herbal decoction, or as plain old peppermint tea is especially useful in relieving head and eye symptoms associated with colds, flus and allergies. Also, since Bo He enters the Liver channel as well as the Lung, it can also be used to alleviate “Liver Qi Stagnation” which can manifest as abdominal pain and distention or as stress - a feeling that you are stuck, trapped or overwhelmed by life. By freeing your Liver Qi or energy you can relieve some of this tension to balance the emotions. If you are using fresh mint from your yard simply pick the plant and boil it in water for 10-15 minutes to make a tea. You can also focus your “treatment” by using different parts of the plant - the leaves enter the Lung channel more readily for cold and flu symptoms while the stems enter the Liver channel more readily for abdominal discomfort and stress.

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Sign up for QiMail
QiMail is a an additional monthly newsletter delivered mid-month to your inbox that is filled with Chinese Medicine Information only. If you just can't get enough and you want even more health tips to help you stay well, click HERE and enjoy! QiMail newsletters are also posted on my Blog at if you've missed an issue and want to check it out.

Amazon Store
I'm constantly expanding the items in my new Amazon Store to include my favorite books about health, wellness, nutrition and Chinese Medicine as well as teas, healthy snacks and now some of my favorite cold and flu remedies. A great resource for hand-picked wellness resources.

Learning Center Growing, Virtual Dispensary Coming!
I've written my first article about Food Allergies and Elimination Diets and posted it to my new Learning Center and will continue growing the articles and links online so please check it out when you get a chance. Soon I will also have a Virtual Dispensary up and running where you can order and refill your favorite herbs and supplements directly online if you can't make it in to the office. Stay tuned!!

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