Monday, January 10, 2011

December 2010 All Ways Well Newsletter

In This Issue:
**Winter in Chinese Medicine

**De-Stress with Acupuncture
**Rebecca's 2011 Schedule OPEN for booking!
**Thanks for Tuning In!  Book On-line Anytime!

Winter in Chinese Medicine

Winter is squarely upon us now and with it cold weather, wind, damp rain and (in Portland) short daylight hours.  In Chinese Medicine, winter is governed by the Water element which is associated with the Bladder and Kidneys and has a strong Yin association.  The Kidneys in particular house what is called your Pre-Natal Qi, or the energy you come into the world with.  Think of it as your energetic bank account or inheritance.  That means to live in harmony with the seasons, Winter is the time to take care of and shore up this "account" with a focus on rest, restoration and rejuvenation to prepare for the more active coming months.

How do we go about this?  By taking extra special care of ourselves during this season.  Eat warm nourishing foods, make time to rest and recoup after a busy day and do the things that make you feel happy and refreshed.  Daily meditation, Qi Gong or yoga are especially helpful even if it just 5-10 minutes.  Every little bit really does count, and if you take the time to restore during the winter months, you will be richly rewarded with increased energy and health during the seasons to come.

De-Stress with Acupuncture
The Winter months not only herald a palpable chill in the air, but also a busy holiday season and for many of us, the holidays include some added stress that can adversely affect our health and wellbeing.   Research has documented that stress not only affects our mental and emotional wellbeing, but also can cause pain, decreased immunity and increased colds and flus, sleep disturbances and more.

The answer? Acupuncture treatment of course!  In addition to documenting the widespread effects of stress, recent research has also shown that Acupuncture treatment is an effective way to decrease stress and resolve many of the physical and emotional symptoms towards getting stress under control.  A 2008 study published in Anethesia & Analgesiafound that acupuncture alleviated stress in children with preoperative anxiety while a 2003 study at Yale showed that acupuncture decreased stress in parents whose children were scheduled for surgery.  Further, a German study published in Circulation found that acupuncture successfully and significantly decreased blood pressure rivaling the effects of many anti-hypertensive medications.

So if you are looking ahead to a somewhat hectic holiday season or are concerned about how stress maybe affecting your immunity during the cold winter months, consider coming in for a tune up with my colleagueNoreen Drake, LAc sooner rather than later to ensure that your stress is low and that your energetic bank is full up this winter!

Rebecca's 2011 Schedule Now Open!
I am still on maternity leave, but my 2011 schedule is now be available on-line if you want to start booking out into my schedule upon my return.

Remember that you can STILL come in for treatment now with my colleague Noreen Drake, LAc.  Noreen is my Acupuncturist, and she is quite lovely!  I promise she will take excellent care of you while I am away.

Thanks for Tuning In!

As usual thanks again for tuning in!  If you are interested in more information about winter health and stress reduction with the help of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, please don't hesitate to call Noreen, or book on-line.  Free 15 minute consultations in person or over the phone are always available which you can book via phone at (503)445-8888 or on-line as well if you have more specific questions.

Yours in health and wellness,

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