Monday, October 29, 2012

November 2012 All Ways Well Newsletter - Handling Holiday Stress

In This Issue:
** Happy Website!
** Handling Holiday Stress
** 3 Treatment Special is ON!
** Thanks for Tuning In! Book On-line Anytime!

Happy Website! All good, book away!
Ah the vagaries of computing. I've re-befriended the ghost in the machine and my website is now up and happy once again. Thank you for your patience, everyone.

Handling Holiday Stress
The holidays will quickly be upon us and despite all our best intentions, holiday stress can be insidious and affect us in many ways. Not just emotionally, but physically as well - muscular tightness and pain, poor sleep, fatigue, digestive issues (not necessarily related to overeating alone...). But never fear, because help is here!

Acupunture and foot reflexology are GREAT ways to manage stress related to the holidays. Not only can they address the physical and emotional issues associated with holiday stress through massage and energetic rebalancing, but if you think ahead and schedule ahead, an acupuncture or foot reflexology treatment gives you a special time that you've set aside for yourself to relax, rejuvenate and focus on your health.

Taking time out to recharge is of the utmost importance during this season, and its usually the thing that gets put off, pushed back and cut out of your schedule during this busy time. Making an effort to schedule an appointment not just with yourself (easy to cancel) but for a treatment with a qualified practitioner requires you to be accountable to a specific time, place and person (me!) and to rest. During your treatment, your only job is to be present and there is nothing holiday related you can accomplish aside from focusing on you. Its a great way to ensure that you actually take some time to take care of yourself so that you have the energy and stamina to go on and take care of others.

I often remind my patients (and you can skip this, therefore, if I've recently told YOU) that when you face a time or have a lifestyle focused on taking care of others, it becomes even more important to take care of yourself. Even your body physiologically prioritizes this way - the heart pumps blood to itself before it pumps blood to the rest of the body because without the heart, everything will very quickly cease to function. You in relation to your life and your loved ones is the same - you have to take care of yourself first if you want to take care of everything else. So make the time during the holiday season, a season of giving, to give back to yourself so that you can give to others.

So try to remember to take a time out here and there and if I can be of service, please book online so I can help take care of you too. And remember - whatever dish your making or gift your giving or event you're hosting doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be enjoyable and shared with those you love to be just right.

HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! And check out this checklist from the Mayo Clinic for more ways to stay on top of holiday stress.

3 Treatment Special is still ON through Thanksgiving!
Just a reminder that my 3 treatment special is STILL in effect and good through Thanksgiving, so make good use of it! The deal is the same as in previous years - $30 off three prepaid Acupuncture or Foot Reflexology treatments. i.e.:

3 Acupuncture treatments for $165 or
3 Foot Reflexology treatments for $195

You can purchase as many gift certificates for yourself or others as you'd like from now until Thanksgiving, so have at it! This offer won't be available again until the next major Chinese holiday - Chinese New Year - which is Feb 10th this coming year. Just go online to my gift certificate website using THIS link or click the "Gift Certificate" link on my regular website and purchase online for yourself or a loved one 24/7.

Thanks for Tuning In!
As usual thanks again for tuning in! Keep in touch, schedule appointments with Noreen and book in for my return! Please don't hesitate to call or book on-line anytime.

Its great to be back and I look forward to seeing you!

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 2012 Newsletter

In This Issue:
** Welcome Baby Boudi!
** Rebecca's Back on Thursdays 10/25
** 3 Treatment Special is ON!
** Thanks for Tuning In! Book On-line Anytime!
Welcome Baby Boudi

I promised pix so here's the first! Little Baby Boudi napping (something she does on her own time... occasionally...) She's growing strong and figuring out what home is all about - mainly doggies, kitties, big brother hugs and lots of good cuddling with mom and dad plus tunes. What do you think it means that little baby B likes the Talking Heads, the Horrible Crows, Foreigner, Bob Dylan and Aerosmith but not lullabies, Jazz or live guitar? At any rate, she's over 9 lbs and has gained several inches in length already - we'll see if she outpaces her brother (who is quite large and strong) on the growth chart! She's proving opposite to her blond haired blue eyed big bro in every way - eating habits, sleeping patterns and music choice beyond her coloring. Very exciting to see what the future will bring.

Rebecca's BACK Thursdays 10/25
That's right! My return to work is imminent and I couldn't be more pleased. I miss you! And adult time. I will be in the office 10/13 but my day is fully booked already, as is 10/25 actually. However, if you want to be waitlisted for those days I can take your name if someone cancels - just email me - and my schedule is otherwise open and available. I will be in the office Thursdays thereafter in October, Wednesday-Thursday in November and back to my usual Wed-Fri + one Saturday a month in December. So go online and book away!

3 Treatment Special is ON through Thanksgiving!
That's right! Mid-Autumn Festival came and went during my maternity leave, so I decided to delay my semi-annual 3 treatment special until this month to celebrate Zhong Qiu Jie belately in combination with my return. The deal is the same as always - $30 off three prepaid Acupuncture or Foot Reflexology treatments. You can purchase as many gift certificates for yourself or others as you'd like from now until Thanksgiving, so have at it! This offer won't be available again until the next major Chinese holiday - Chinese New Year - which is Feb 10th this coming year. Just go online to my gift certificate website using THIS link or click the "Gift Certificate" link on my regular website and purchase online for yourself or a loved one 24/7.

Thanks for Tuning In! As usual thanks again for tuning in! Keep in touch, schedule appointments with Noreen and book in for my return! Please don't hesitate to call or book on-line anytime and please do see Noreen while I'm away.

Looking forward to seeing you!

She's Arrived! Baby Boudica 9/7/12

Yipiee! I'm very proud to announce that a new baby girl has joined the Hurwood-Kitzerow family. Born belatedly on September 7th at 2:54am she weighed 7lb 10oz and measured 19 and a half inches in length. Her name is Boudica Emma Kitzerow, but we call her Boudi (like Bodhi) for short. She was born by successful VBAC (Thanks OHSU midwife team!) and we couldn't be more pleased. She took a little longer than expected to make her appearence, but the successful VBAC means I can return to work 6 weeks post partum. Unfortunately, 6 weeks is now one week delayed so I will not be able to return for my first Thursday until 10/25 due to daycare. So those of you booked on the 18th will be getting calls and emails to reschedule. I will be able to work Saturday 10/13, however (thanks hubby!).

Remember that you can still book with my colleague Noreen while I'm gone. Just use the usual booking link on my website (or the one below) and keep yourself tuned up while I'm away! And I promise I'll post a pic with my October newsletter, but negotiabing being a mommy of a 10 day old + a 22 month old has been keeping me very busy!

See you soon! I look forward to seeing you again soon. My return schedule is already up, open and bookable online. You can still contact me via email or leave me a message at the office, I will be checking while I'm away, but not consistently so please be patient with my reply. If you have urgent questions or concerns, please talk to Noreen.

With that I wish you a wonderful remaineder to the summer and again, I look forward to seeing you soon! Best ~Rebecca

September 2012 Newsletter (9/1/12)

In This Issue:
** Happy Labor Day!
** Fall is Coming
** Thanks for Tuning In! Book On-line Anytime!
Happy Labor Day! (but not quite for me...) I hope you have all enjoyed a WONDERFUL Labor Day Weekend! I have myself, though I have succeeded in passing my due date sans baby which has me quite perplexed and mildly uncomfortable (as you can imagine, especially those of you that have exceeded your due dates with babies yourselves!).

My friends and family are all awaiting baby's arrival with me anxiously and offering many entertaining insights. Such as its a Virgo thing - she has a plan. Also that the battle of wills between mother and daughter has already begun! Highly probable. And much more.

One of the most intriguing, however, was this article posted on the Smithsonian Blog suggesting that gestational length has to do with the energy availability of the mother, not with previously held scientific hypothesis about pelvic width vs. head circumference. So... perhaps I have too much energy? Energy is part and parcel with my work as you well know. Still, it feels hard to believe at this stage of pregnancy, but who knows.

At any rate, we're waiting! I'm proceeding with acupuncture induction treatments on a daily basis, and thinking of you, my patients, whom I miss already! Rest assured I'll send out a notice via email with baby info once there is something to report!

Fall's Imminent Arrival Have I mentioned before that Fall is my most favorite time in Portland? Spring and Summer in Portland are wonderful too, but Fall is just something extra special to me. Never mind that this is when I moved here for college oh so many years ago.... or when I got married... or when my son was born and daughter is destined to.... Yeah, I'm a bit of a Fall in Portland junkie.

Fall is governed by the Metal Element, meaning its a time to set boundaries and goals, a time to finish projects and outline what comes next, a time for planning. The Metal Element governs the Lungs and the Large Intestine, meaning this is also a time to move on and let things go, a time to focus on breath and presence. As the weather will force us more indoors soon, this is a great time to create or refine habits centered around breath and focus like Qi Gong and Meditation.

If you find you're having a hard time with this transition or need help with motivation to complete tasks, with centering and balancing to be present with your breath, or if new fall Allergies are coming to bear (leaf molds in particular can start coming to the fore during this season), please consider coming in for treatment sooner rather than later.

Acupuncture is a seasonal medicine, it can help you transition from one season to the next with harmony and grace which can be a challenge for many of us to achieve without a little assistance. Our general work lives don't often allow us a natural rhythm with the seasons, but our bodies are still affected both physically and energetically and its worthwhile to honor that if you can make the time.

Thanks for Tuning In! As usual thanks again for tuning in! Keep in touch, schedule appointments with Noreen and book in for my return! Please don't hesitate to call or book on-line anytime and please do see Noreen while I'm away.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Maternity Leave Starts Now! Book with Noreen while I'm away

Wish me luck, folks

Well, its rounding time for baby #2 to make her appearance so I'm off to the waiting game. I will be back in the office on a limited basis starting 10/13, but I strongly encourage you to book with my colleage Noreen Drake, LAc to continue treatment while I'm away. Noreen can accept AMERICAN SPECIALTY HEALTH, HEALTH NET, PROVIDENCE, and BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD insurance now as a preferred provider! She may bill other plans out of network as well. You can proceed to my regular to book appointments with Noreen online anytime. When you book with Noreen, please indicate you're a patient of mine in the notes section to help her be better prepared. Noreen is a trusted friend and colleague, someone I don't hesitate to see for treatment myself! Though I'm much overdue, hmm.....

See you soon!
I look forward to seeing you again soon as I don't intend to be away for as long as I was with my son. My return schedule is already up, open and bookable online. You can still contact me via email or leave me a message at the office, I will be checking while I'm away, but not consistently so please be patient with my reply. If you have urgent questions or concerns, please talk to Noreen. You can call her at (503)445-8888 x5.

With that I wish you a wonderful remaineder to the summer and again, I look forward to seeing you soon!
Best ~Rebecca

August Newsletter 2012

In This Issue:
** Trusted Nutritional Supplements & Herbs
** Affordable Care Act
** Maternity Leave - Its Coming!
** Thanks for Tuning In! Book On-line Anytime!

Trusted Nutritional Supplements and Herbs
I like supplements and herbs, I do prescribe them as many of you know. A common question I get is why purchase herbs or supplements from a qualified practitioner instead of over the counter? A valid question with a straightforward answer.

Supplements that you can only purchase through a qualified practitioner are often more expensive than what you purchase over the counter, its true, and the differences generally lie in three areas:
Delivery System/Absorbability
Quality is fairly obvious - in the case of many supplement brands you get what you pay for - and concentration too. "Prescription Strength" is a relevant term in supplementation as well as in Western Pharmaceuticals. The biggest kicker is the delivery system and absorbability of the supplements.

If your digestive system can't eat through whatever agent is used to bind a tablet, say, you can take a whole bottle of supplements and gain no benefit. Professional grade supplements generally provide you with tableting agents and delivery systems that your body can actually manage to digest so you can get to and utilize the good stuff. Brands like Thorne, Pure Encapsulations and Biotics pay special attention to this which is why I carry them in office.

If there's ever something you want that I don't have on hand, even a general supplement or multivitamin, I may be able to order one for you that is superior to what you'd find OTC. Furthermore, I actually have an online dispensary where you can order from trusted brands. You can learn more HERE.

If you are purchasing something over the counter, make sure it is a liquid, a powder, a gelcap or a capsule and try never to purchase anything that is a tablet from a non-vetted brand. Tablets are always the least likely to be absorbed by the body if you don't know the tableting agent.

Affordable Care Act & CAM
A lovely alumni from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (my alma matter) wrote a brief article summarizing the Affordable Care Act plus some information about what it means for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Interested? Click here to read more.

Maternity Leave - Its Coming!
As many of you can tell by seeing me at recent appointments, baby is almost here! I'm due September 1st so I'll be working up until the last week of August and then taking some maternity leave to bond with baby and recover. My intention is to come back about 6 weeks after baby is born, on October 13th, and ease back into my regular schedule over a couple of months.

This is already programmed out in my on-line schedule and you should be able to see beyond the void of September into October to book appointments for my return now.

My colleague, Noreen Drake, LAc, will be in office Mon-Thurs while I am away to see to your acupuncture needs! She is an excellent practitoner and I highly recommend you continue treatment with her while I am away. Her schedule is also available on-line through the same calendar. She is contracted with several insurance companies and can bill or create coded receipts for you.

I will be gone from 8/25-10/13 Noreen is currently contracted with:
Health Net
Regence BCBS

and can therefore bill direct to those insurers for you. It may be possible to bill other insurers as an out of network provider. Email Noreen with questions.

Thanks for Tuning In!
As usual thanks again for tuning in! And I promise I'll let you know what happens with baby. Please don't hesitate to call or book on-line anytime and please do see Noreen while I'm away.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 2012 Newsletter - Allergies!

In This Issue:
** Allergen Heaven
*Simple Tips to keep Seasonal Allergies under control
**Thanks for Tuning In! Book On-line Anytime!

Allergen Heaven
Isn't that what the Northwest should be called this time of year? The beautiful Spring weather FINALLY seems to have arrived, and with it everything in sight is starting to bloom... And every car on the street on my block has a thick dusting of pollen on top. Ah yes... Allergen Heaven...

The difficult thing about the oddity of the seasons these past few years, is that it seems very difficult to predict exactly when those of us with Hay Fever are going to suffer - it comes early, it comes late, it comes overwhelmingly strong, while for some it comes not at all. Unfortunately, this means the best defense is a constantly ready offense.

In Chinese Medicine, seasonal allergies are caused by a combination of an internal energetic weakness and an external wind assault. If you know you have allergies and you can predict a general timeframe (of Spring or Summer, say), the best energetic defense is to tonify and strengthen your body during the off months, and then treat what presents as symptoms in the on months.

Since the on months are beginning to be "on" for many about now, here are some of my favorite tipes for surviving the allergy season:

Simple Tips to keep Seasonal Allergies Under Control:
Netti Pot - A Netti Pot is a simple device that looks like of a like a genie's lamp made of ceramic or metal. You fill it with warm water (preferrably distilled) and a pinch of salt, pour it through yoru sinuses and clean out the pollen and mucous it is sticking to. You can add other things for sinus infections such as Goldenseal or specific Ayervedic oils, but a simple saline solution will usually do. Not only does this flush out the pollen, but over time it can strengthen and thicken your mucous membranes so you have less exposure to the pollens as well. These can be picked up Whole Foods, New Seasons or online and are best used 2x/day during allergy season, morning and night.

Chuan Xiong Wan - this is a chinese herbal remedy for headaches combined with congestion. Often used for the common cold, it is also highly effective for allergies! Green Tea - green tea is actually an ingredient in the formula above and not only is it full of free radical eliminating antioxidants, it is also enters the nasal passages energetically and can help clear your head when you are feeling congested! Loose leaf tea is the best.

Honey - Honey is actually a lung tonic in Chinese Medicine, so a little honey in your tea can actually boost the strength of your lungs energecially to fight off the wind and decrease the effect of the allergens on your system.

HEPA Filters - If you suffer from allergy symptoms at night that keep you awake in particular, do not underestimate the power of a good compact HEPA filter for your bedroom. It doesn't take a large or expensive one to get the job done - a small $50 filter from Costco, Target or will do the trick. Run it for 20 minutes before you go to bed, and through the night on a low quiet setting. You'll be surprised by the difference.

Acupuncture - Acupuncture treatment through the allergy season can also make a big difference in your symptoms. If you haven't been in for a while and you're worried about the looming pollen count, please come in sooner rather than later to get a jump start on allergy season. Starting treatment one month before you expect your worst allergies to hit is ideal.

Rebecca's Maternity Leave 8/25-10/13
Yep, there's a baby on the way so don't be surprised by Rebecca's swelling belly. I'm due September 1st and my calendar is open up until August 25th at this time. I will return October 13th - don't hesitate to book ahead!

Referral of the Month:

Did you know I have a referral program? I do! For every 5 new patients that come and name YOU as the referring party, you get a FREE 60 MINUTE TREATMENT! This month, a great referral for me would be someone who has KNEE PAIN. Acupuncture is quickly effective for knee pain of many varieties from osteoarthritis, to injury and surgery recovery. Help someone you love feel better, get active and prevent long term injury.

As usual, the referral of a friend or family member is the highest compliment that I can receive.

Thanks for Tuning In!
As usual thanks again for tuning in! If you are interested in more information please don't hesitate to call or book on-line. Free 15 minute consultations in person or over the phone are always available which you can book via phone at (503)445-8888 or on-line as well if you have more specific questions.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 2012 Newsletter

In This Issue:
** Seriously? You don't have birthdays 2x/Year?
** Facial Rejuvenation - Keep Them Guessing
** Summer Heat - Beat It!
** Thanks for Tuning In! Book On-line Anytime!

2012 - Not Rebecca's Year to Send Cards
So... if your birthday is in May and you got a birthday card, awesome! I meant to do that. For everyone else... what can I say. 2012 is just not my year for mail, it seems. I PROMISE you will NOT receive anymore birthday cards on inappropriate dates, or at all until next year most likely. I find both email spam and mail spam quite a nuisance and I don't want to create either.

I am terribly sorry - truly.

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture - Keep them Guessing
But hey, even though it may not be your birthday (yet), why not keep people guessing about it anyway? You may or may not know that I have a subspecialty in Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture - a cosmetic type of acupuncture that can eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, reduce larger lines, rebalance your complexion and more. With a history equally as long as "regular" acupuncture - i.e. well over 3,000 years - it is a safe and natural way to help you look and feel your best.

The best part, is that acupuncture can't work independant of the whole. In other words, even though our focus in Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is the skin and the face, we still treat the whole body and address underlying consitutional issues. Menopause and Menopause related aging in particular combine and respond very well to this type of treatment.

If you want to know more, please check out the Facial Acupuncture page of my website, and if you have questions don't hesitate to contact me! Consultations in person or over the phone are always free and can be booked on my website just like regular appointments.

Summer Heat - Beat it!
Yay for summer! Such a beautiful time of year in Portland. Once the rain is said and done, its hard to do better than Portland in the summer time, you know? But for those of us in the Northwest, it can feel hot. Damn hot! And in Chinese Medicine, Summer Heat is a specific type of pathogen that can cause digestive issues and nasty 24 hour type flu bugs that just aren't fun. So, what's one to do?

Acupuncture is at the top of the list, of course, and we all have our favorite ways of staying cool - shorts and summer dresses, PLENTY OF WATER, lemonade, getting to the pool - but there are couple of food aces up your sleeve from the good ol' bag of Chinese Medicine tricks that I'd like to share:

Watermelon - not earth shattering, I know, but in Chinese Medicine, watermelon is particularly cool and important to stave off Summer Heat. Its a wonderful bonus that it is so plentiful this time of year, so don't hesitate to enjoy it often! Cubed watermelon in the freezer also makes a great substitute for ice cubes on a hot summer day in many beverages, and has health benefits to boot!

Lu Dou or Mung Beans - Mung Beans are usually thought of as Indian fare, but they are common in Chinese Medicine too and have a strong cooling effect. White sugar (unfortunately...) is also rated as "cold" in Chinese Medicine, so a common summer treat is a thin soup of boiled mung beans in sugar water. I personally prefer to substitute honey for the sugar (also cool), and find this treat especially cooling (can be enjoyed hot or cold - cold is best!) and great for the little ones too - much better than a sugary popsicle but just as sweet! Mung Bean sprouts make a great salad addition this time of year also!

Thanks for Tuning In!
As usual thanks again for tuning in! If you are interested in more information please don't hesitate to call or book on-line. Free 15 minute consultations in person or over the phone are always available which you can book via phone at (503)445-8888 or on-line as well if you have more specific questions.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Super News! Rebecca Contracted with CIGNA

Rebecca is now contracted with CIGNA Health Insurance! And some patients are seeing copayments as low as $7.00!
So, if you have CIGNA insurance with Alternative Medicine benefits, please update your insurance information with Rebecca so she can start billing for you. Simply email a scanned copy of your insurance card to

Refer 5 New Patients, Get a FREE Treatment!
Remember, that my Refer a Friend Program is still in full effect! Know someone with CIGNA Insurance (such as an INTEL employee?...) who might benefit from Acupuncture treatment? Please consider sending them my way by forwarding my email address, name, phone number or website! If five new patients give YOU as their referral source, you earn a free Acupuncture or Foot Reflexology treatment to keep or give to a friend or loved one. I've got AVAILABILITY TOMORROW due to to a couple last minute cancellations, so don't delay - refer today!

April 2012 Newsletter

In This Issue:
** Sickness Abounds...
*Don't get sick just 'cause people around you are...
**Thanks for Tuning In! Book On-line Anytime!

Sickness Abounds
Wow... Have you noticed a lot of people getting sick around you lately? Coworkers, friends, people coughing at the grocery store? There are some downright NASTY Spring colds and flus milling about right now and they are not friendly, not friendly in the slightest.

Worse, seems to be that our local bugs, at least, tend to linger. Average time I see patients exhibiting symptoms is about 4 weeks. Yikes!

Luckily, I'm fully stocked up with preventatives and palliatives should you desire to avoid or treat the yuckies flying about.

Don't Get Sick! Or Recover Faster if Needed.
Yes, I speak true! And can attest based on experience since I caught some yuckiness thanks to a 1-2 punch from my son's daycare and a dear friend in quick succession. Son - recovered like a champ (kids do that). Friend - 105 deg fever with deep phlegmy chest cold for 4 days then slow steady recovery over several weeks. Me? One day of sneezing, 2 days of copious sputum, no fever, and 4 days later was 92% clear. The secret? Chinese Medicine of course!

Here are some things you can do to prevent, avoid or if necessary, quickly treat something yucky this Spring:

HYDROTHERAPY - it really is amazing what an alternating hot/cold shower can do. It stimulates the immune system and moves your lymphatics encouraging health in more ways than one!

ELDERBERRY - elderberry is simple and natural yet effective antiviral. Safe during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for babies and toddlers, a little bit goes a long way. I have elderberry tincture (glycerine base, not alcohol) and elderberry throat lozenges in stock!

YIN QIAO - of course, one of my all time favorites, this formula is a MUST for the initial stage of a cold or flu. Designed specifically for that tickle in the throat progressing to sore throat time, it can catch and reverse symptoms to keep you well!

BAN LAN GEN CHONG JI - this is a simple drink that yes, has a little sweetener in it, but it packed full of strong Chinese herbal antivital support. Ban Lan Gen, the primary herb in this decoction, is also used in formulas for Cancer, interestingly enough. Gentle enough for use during pregnancy and lactation, and sweet enough for your little ones, this instant drink is a perfect pocket pal for antiviral support on the go.

ACUPUNCTURE - of COURSE getting regular acupuncture treatment is also a MUST for keeping the immune system healthy and strong. Haven't been in for a while? Book an appointment and stop on by!

Thanks for Tuning In!
As usual thanks again for tuning in! If you are interested in more information please don't hesitate to call or book on-line. Free 15 minute consultations in person or over the phone are always available which you can book via phone at (503)445-8888 or on-line as well if you have more specific questions.

Looking forward to seeing you!

March Newsletter 2012

In This Issue:

** Spring is Coming!
***Liver Supportive Care
**Here We Go Again!
**Thanks for Tuning In! Book On-line Anytime!

Spring is Coming!
Albeit slowly in the Northwest, given this last cold front and random snow flurries, Spring is on its way. In Chinese Medicine this marks the transition from Kidney or Water time - a time of hibernation, restoration and introspection - to Liver or Wood time.

The Liver and Wood element is about growth, change, benevolence and creativity. The Liver is at its fullest, and like the general feeling of the season, Winter coats are being shaken off, the ground is warming and new buds and shoots are beginning to grow and break through.

This is the start of the season to think of the same for yourself - new projects, new beginnings. Even though the New Year is the traditional time in our culture to make resolutions, in Chinese Medicine this is the time of year to act on them. If you haven't made 2012 a year to refocus on your health, now is the time to make that commitment and start taking the first steps on your journey.

Liver Supportive Care
Since this time of year when the Liver and the Wood element is at its fullest, it is a good time to add some supportive herbs and foods into your diet to support and balance Liver and Gallbladder (also a wood element). In particular, the Liver has a tendency towards heat and in this season, neutral to cool foods and herbs - not cold mind you - can be supportive to caring for and balancing the Liver.

Water Chestnut, Lotus Root, Celery and Radish in particular are excellent to include in this season. Mint is cool and enters the Liver channel, and can also assist the Liver in its function to smooth the emotions. Milk Thistle is a western herb that is also specifically supportive to the Liver. It has antioxidant properties that target the Liver and can help keep it healthy and strong. All of these are excellent additions to your Springtime routines and activities!

Here We Go Again!
Well, for those of you that have been in lately you've probably noticed that I've gained a few pounds these past few months. You've probably guessed correctly that I'm pregnant! I am due September 1st and expect to work as long as I can up to that date. As I get closer I will announce firmer dates for my maternity leave and there will be coverage for my patients while I am away. I intend to come back sooner than three full months if I can - it was too hard to be away so long last time!

Thanks for Tuning In!
As usual thanks again for tuning in! If you are interested in more information please don't hesitate to call or book on-line. Free 15 minute consultations in person or over the phone are always available which you can book via phone at (503)445-8888 or on-line as well if you have more specific questions.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year 1/23 - 3 Treatment Special

All Ways Well wishes you a Happy Chinese New Year!! 

January 23rd marks Chinese New Year - the Year of the Water Dragon! Rebecca is offering her semi-annual 3 Treatment Special from now through February 29th! Packages can be purchased by clicking HERE or by visiting Rebecca's website at and clicking the "Gift Certificate" link at the top. 

Packages can be purchased as a gift for someone else or a "gift" for yourself as well! Treatments do not expire, purchase today! 

Year of the Water Dragon 
The Dragon is a powerful symbol in Chinese culture - a symbol of strength, wealth and power. The Dragon can also be a transformative symbol, and with the flowing energy of water behind it, 2012 is poised to be a year marked by change and growth. Things should be looking up this year compared to last, and is an especially good year for new ventures and for having babies! 

3 Treatment Special is On! 
Yes! As mentioned above, my three treatment special is back for Chinese New Year! Available online and in office from now through February 29th purchase any package of 3 Acupuncture or 3 Foot Reflexology treatmnts for $30 off. Use the links above in the header to purchase, visit my website and click the Gift Certificate link at the top or click HERE to buy now. They make great Valentines Day gifts too and they don't expire! 

Birthday Card Snafoo 
Happy Birthday! A card in the mail recently read yet... it may not be your birthday for several months... hmm.... I had a little birthday card snafoo which I must apologize for. Rest assured that I have not forgotten or misrecorded your special day, I just had a little mailing mishap and I apologize for the confusion.

Happy New Year!

Hey Amazing Patients, Here's wishing you a Happy New Year! 

 Remember that Acupuncture is a great way to help you reach your health and wellness goals in the Year of the Water Dragon. My new year resolution - eat less sugar (its my weakness) and increase my Yelp reviews!

Please take a moment to review me if you have a chance, and book online for 2012 now! Have a great day! ~ Rebecca

here are some yelp reviews:
 "Rebecca is an amazing LAc. She brings so much in personality alone, but behind her warm and balanced demeanor is a very bright, informed and well educated..." 
-- Libby G. 

 "5/14/08 Update: I never would have believed it. I went to Rebecca for pain relieve from uterine fibroids and they actually got smaller! I just had a..." 
-- Jenny G.

December 2011 Newsletter

In This Issue: 
** Give the Gift of Wellness This Holiday Season! 
**Treating Insomnia and Fatigue with Acupuncture 
**Thanks for Tuning In! Book On-line Anytime! 

Give the Gift of Wellness 
Black Friday has come and gone and holiday shopping is in full force. If you're having a hard time finding a gift for your loved ones, please consider giving the gift of wellness this holiday season! Gift certificates from All Ways Well can be bought online and downloaded instantly or purchased in office in any amount. They make great gifts that can help someone start a path to wellness that may well last a lifetime.

Treating Insomnia and Fatigue 
An estimated 32 million Americans suffer from insomnia and if you have ever been part of their ranks, you know that insomnia affects a lot more than just your sleep. It affects your energy, your stress level, your emotions and can contribute to chronic illnesses over time. In Chinese medicine there are many different causes for insomnia, and the specific symptoms such as more trouble falling asleep versus staying asleep, or having a running mind keeping you up, point to the specific cause for each individual. In general, however, the Heart and the Kidney are almost always involved in one way or another. The Kidney is the root of your Qi, it is also the water element associated with Winter. The Heart houses the Shen or Spirit and determines your presence of mind at any given moment. Dominated by Fire it is associated with Summer. Kidney water and Heart fire dynamically balance each other to create Yin Yang harmony and this is a major factor in the quality of your sleep.

Another common contributor to insomnia is stress which negatively affects the nervous system over time. Furthermore, in Chinese medicine stress affects the Liver which in turn governs the nervous system. Acupuncture in particular has a calming affect on your nerves. It can fast track your body to a parasympathetic or "rest and digest" state which reduces Liver Qi stagnation and stress, increases the calm quiet energy needed to nourish the Kidneys which will balance the fire of the heart to promote sleep, increase energy and decrease anxiousness.

Combined (as necessary) with lifestyle changes, Chinese herbs and general supplementation, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can be very effective in increasing energy, decreasing stress and anxiety and improving the quality of your sleep.

Thanks for Tuning In! 
As usual thanks again for tuning in! If you are interested in more information please don't hesitate to call or book on-line. Free 15 minute consultations in person or over the phone are always available which you can book via phone at (503)445-8888 or on-line as well if you have more specific questions.

Looking forward to seeing you! ~Rebecca