Wednesday, June 20, 2012

March Newsletter 2012

In This Issue:

** Spring is Coming!
***Liver Supportive Care
**Here We Go Again!
**Thanks for Tuning In! Book On-line Anytime!

Spring is Coming!
Albeit slowly in the Northwest, given this last cold front and random snow flurries, Spring is on its way. In Chinese Medicine this marks the transition from Kidney or Water time - a time of hibernation, restoration and introspection - to Liver or Wood time.

The Liver and Wood element is about growth, change, benevolence and creativity. The Liver is at its fullest, and like the general feeling of the season, Winter coats are being shaken off, the ground is warming and new buds and shoots are beginning to grow and break through.

This is the start of the season to think of the same for yourself - new projects, new beginnings. Even though the New Year is the traditional time in our culture to make resolutions, in Chinese Medicine this is the time of year to act on them. If you haven't made 2012 a year to refocus on your health, now is the time to make that commitment and start taking the first steps on your journey.

Liver Supportive Care
Since this time of year when the Liver and the Wood element is at its fullest, it is a good time to add some supportive herbs and foods into your diet to support and balance Liver and Gallbladder (also a wood element). In particular, the Liver has a tendency towards heat and in this season, neutral to cool foods and herbs - not cold mind you - can be supportive to caring for and balancing the Liver.

Water Chestnut, Lotus Root, Celery and Radish in particular are excellent to include in this season. Mint is cool and enters the Liver channel, and can also assist the Liver in its function to smooth the emotions. Milk Thistle is a western herb that is also specifically supportive to the Liver. It has antioxidant properties that target the Liver and can help keep it healthy and strong. All of these are excellent additions to your Springtime routines and activities!

Here We Go Again!
Well, for those of you that have been in lately you've probably noticed that I've gained a few pounds these past few months. You've probably guessed correctly that I'm pregnant! I am due September 1st and expect to work as long as I can up to that date. As I get closer I will announce firmer dates for my maternity leave and there will be coverage for my patients while I am away. I intend to come back sooner than three full months if I can - it was too hard to be away so long last time!

Thanks for Tuning In!
As usual thanks again for tuning in! If you are interested in more information please don't hesitate to call or book on-line. Free 15 minute consultations in person or over the phone are always available which you can book via phone at (503)445-8888 or on-line as well if you have more specific questions.

Looking forward to seeing you!

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